2022-06-10 10:00:08 来源:中国教育在线
雅思口语话题及范文:How did your parents choose your name(s)?
As a matter of fact, my parents chose my name according to what the fortune-teller had said, which might surprise you. However, that's what a number of Chinese parents like to do in terms of giving names to babies especially in the past time of China. Accordingly, my parents who are a little superstitious belong to this group of people.
Indeed, there is a considerably special meaning for my name, and it’s actually a combination of both my father’s given name and my mother’s. My parents said that my name could also symbolise the affection and record their romantic love, and I really appreciate this.
To be truthful, I’m not sure how they chose it; I’ve never asked them. I suppose it was just a name that they both liked, and maybe they thought it suited me.
上一篇:雅思口语话题及范文:Describe a TV documentary you watched that was particularly interesting.
下一篇:雅思口语话题及范文:What types of weather do people in your country dislike most? Why is that?
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